Just like with any other service industry, not all granite installers are alike. Flash-in-the-pan and unreliable installers do exist in the industry and consumers need to be aware of them. Fortunately, there are some ways to tell if your granite installer is on the up-and-up and the right price for your budget. With these questions on hand, you’ll be able to tell whether or not your granite installer is legitimate or just trying to get a quick buck and run.

Do You Have a List of References/Reviews?

Any talented and experienced service-based company would be head-over-heels to show you their reviews and references. If they withhold, you’ll know they’ve either got bad reviews in their past or just haven’t had many jobs.

What’s the Total Estimated Cost?

Since we base our estimates on customer sketches and measurements, your final price can fluctuate either way depending on the accuracy of the initial measurements. Remember: the more accurate you are with the measuring tape, the more accurate the final price will be.

Do You Guarantee Your Work?

Especially important for installers that are also providing the stone, you should seek an assurance that if something goes wrong, your installer will be there for you. Granite & Marble Specialties offers an unprecedented 25-year warranty on all our projects. If we’re involved with you once, we’re there for you for the next quarter century.

As the number one retail, wholesale, fabricator, and installer of fine natural stone countertops and surfaces in the Puget Sound area, Granite & Marble Specialties can help you create a beautiful kitchen or bathroom surface that will last for years to come. Give us a call or contact us today to get a competitive quote on your next remodel or construction project.